Thursday 24 May 2012

Day 2: Filming has officialy began

Today me, Ahmed, Alan, Faiza, Seetara, and Ashleen will be starting to film all of our scenes.
Today we will also be taking some photos just like the photo on the left and the bottom.
We look foward to filming our scenes as this is the first official time that we can perform our written scenes.
Seetara has a fairly big role today as not only will she be playing Alice she will be our camera girl for the scenes she is not in.

Friday 18 May 2012

Film Basics (Characters)

We have finally decided who will be who for the Twilight parody remake. I will be Bella as I know the film the most out of the group, Ahmed will be Edward as Alan did not want to be the main character, Alan has many little roles as well as being Jacob (The were-wolf), he will be playing characters such Charlie (The dad), Carlisle (Edward's dad), the car driver etc. Faiza is being Rosalie, Seetara will be Alice and Ashleen will be Esme and Jessica.
Me, Ahmed  and Alan have the largest roles of the group but that doesn't mean we will be doing more work we will all equally share the work out.

Day 1 of official blogging

Day 1 of official blogging:-
We are all in 102y updating our blogs, Faiza is unfortunatley not in today making us unable to complete some work so me, Seetara, Alan, Ahmed and Ashleen are on our mission to start making the script for scenes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Seetara has finally got a wig from Miss Leslie which is black, short and has a front fringe for Alice, and Alan has a blond short haired wig to be Jasper. The last thing we need to buy is a plain white t-shirt so we can draw an eight-pack on it in a black marker pen for Alan's character Jacob.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Vampire's Suck Inspiration

Video would not show will try and edit so the video will show another time it may just be the website.

The film that inspired me, Seetara, Faiza , Ashleen, Ahmed  and Alan.The film is very funny and makes a romantic film turn into a gut renching comedy, nothing is better than a funny romance film.

Script Making

Scene 1 for twilight is written and waiting to be filmed just need to organise dates and times with the twilight family :)